Monday, November 15, 2010

Recently, scientists have discovered a way to discover what the atmosphere was like on Mars and Earth millions of years ago. This was originally found out by Robina Shaheen, who had been doing research on this topic for the past four years. This can be done by using a chemical reaction found in the atmosphere from very small particulates. Discovering this also gives an explanation for chemical compounds that were found on Mars years ago. They were thought to have been signs of Martian activity but now we know that this is not the case. Although not much more is known on the matter yet, this is basically a new and efficient way to measure the Earth's atmosphere which can help us make greater discoveries in the future.

I think that this is a great discovery and will help us find many other important things in the future. If we have fast and efficient ways to find out what the Earth and Mars's atmosphere is like, I can't imagine what we will have the capability to do later! This could lead to so many other discoveries like what life might have been like on Mars, or how the atmosphere changed on Earth over the years. It could also help us solve major climate issuses having to do with the atmosphere like the ozone layer and global warming.

1) What are your thoughts on this new discovery? Do you think it is important and should be pursued further?
2) What are some other ways that you think this can be used to help us today and in the future?
3) Do you think that Martian life really did once exist on Mars? Should we use this new evidence to pursue topics like that or more current issues like global warming?
Science Daily
November 13th, 2010

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Every Person Emits Two Tons of Carbon Dioxide a Year Through Eating, Spanish Study Finds

By: Kristi Rice

A new study by researchers in Spain finds that every person emits the equivalent of approximately two tons of carbon dioxide a year from the time food is produced to when the human body excretes it.
A team of researchers in Spain did research on the Spanish diet and found out that we play a part of the cycle of food; this is the first time that it has ever been tested with human excrements.  Iván Muñoz main author and researcher said,"food in Spain produces emissions of around two tonnes of carbon dioxide per person and per year more than 20% of total emissions per person and per year.”  This study showed the relationship of food production and consumption with global warming and excess of nutrients.  The data that they got was that getting food from animals (meat and dairy) had the most impact, and for the greatest souce of carbon dioxicide it was fishing, agricultural and livestock.  Our excretion is a major part of polluting water.  In this article they also make a point that it is not so bad returning some of the waste water because it can add nutrients.  In the end people do not have an effect of the global warming at least by eating, and that we contribute to water pollution by nitrate and phosphorus.

When I first read the title I was intrigued by it because it was something different and yet it somehow had to do with recycling and waste.  I never knew how much CO2 we put into the air by eating.  It is an interesting fact to learn about.I think that it was an good thing to learn about.  Also it was a good to learn about a different type of doing an experiment.  After having our water hydrosphere unit I am not surprised in learning that we are a big contributor to water pollution.  I am glad to know that I am not affecting the earth by eating food.

        1. What do you think about this article? (Personal opinion)
        2. Do you think this is worth knowing or not? Explain what you think.
        3. How accurate do you think this research is because they only studied people that live in Spain and that have a diet of 881 kilograms? Why do you think this.