Sunday, December 12, 2010

Wind Energy
By: Kristi Rice


       Ever since 2008 there have been new wind turbine power generation added in the US.  The cost of producing energy form the turbine continues to drop.  But wind power is far from the optimal way to get our energy.  The efficiency of the wind turbines is all based on the winds and their changeability.  They are most efficient under a steady flow of wind.  Researchers are designing "new types of air flow technology may soon increase the efficiency of large wind turbines under many different wind conditions."  Researchers from Syracuse University are testing new intelligent systems that will help the efficiency of the turbines.  From their research they could reduce the noise that the wind turbine makes.  Another problem that the scientist had to face was the drag, resistance felt by the tribune blades as they hit the air.  The University of Minnesota put tinny grooves on the turbine blades.  The groves form triangular riblets scored into the coating on the blade surface.  This will help increase the efficiency by about 3%.

       I think that it is great that the US is adding more wind turbines.  The wind power is an extra way for use to get eco friendly power.  Plus it is also getting cheaper to produce them.  I'm glad that they are improving the ideas that we have already created.  It is always good to use our resource to their best of their ability.  I think this was a interesting article to read.  I remember doing an article on wind power when I was younger and I remember a good amount form then but I still learned a few new things by reading this article. 


1.Do you think it is good thing that we added more wind power even when they only work really well with a steady supply of wind?
2.Is it worth putting all our time, money and energy into improving old ideas or creating new ideas? The new ideas could be better or worse for the environment.
3.Was this article worth reading or not? Why? (Don't say you had to read it. Give your honest opinion.)

Enhancing the Efficiency of Wind Turbines


  1. Reflection:
    I think this is a great way to stop wasting and to use alternative energy, espcially ones that will never run out and we don't have to worry about using up. There will most likely always be wind, therefore there won't be a need to constanly worry about wasting. If wasting does occur, it would be annoying for the laborers who are creating ways to get the energy into homes and building the wind turbines, but other than that it wouldn't really be bad for the environment. Wind isn't exactly a substance, it can be created whenever there is air.
    1) Yes I think it is a good idea because although there might not always be a steady stream of wind, it can be created anywhere. Then we wouldn't have to worry about running out of resources. Even if we couldn't always get it, it's still better to start using it a little and take away a little from nonrenewable sources.
    2) Definitely creating new ideas that are good for the environment as long as they work. If they aren't helpful we shouldn't continue to waste our money but if they are then it would be good for us.
    3) This article kind of worth reading. A lot of people already know about wind power and I've definitely heard of it before, but this helped me learn more than I knew. It also brought it back, because I haven't really thought about wind power in a while. It was a good memory refresher.
    I have a few other questions:
    1) Is an increase of 3% efficiency a lot for wind power, or is it just a small amount?
    2) Is it more expensive to build the wind turbines then the money we saving from using them?
    3) How reliable are they?

  2. Reflection: I think it is great that scientists are improving turbines, because they are a great way to produce energy. Using wind as a source of energy is a great alternative, however there are still a lot of updates we need to make, so I am glad to hear that the scientists are working on these updates and improvements. Since wind is renewable, we should never stop using it, we should use more and more of it every day. However, like I said, scientists need to help us get there by making many improvements. Another positive about wind energy is that it is free after the turbines are installed. Therefore, we should continue to improve and use wind turbines. I am also glad that they are reducing the noise of turbines, because thats probably a lot better for the people who live near them.

    Questions I have:

    1. Are the scientists some how going to generate their own wind or help wind be more powerful in to power turbines on non-windy days? How will they do this?
    2. Is the production of the actual turbines bad for the environment?

    3. How would wind turbines power cities that do not have a lot of wind? Can the electricity it generates travel to different areas in the country, even if they are very far away?

  3. I feel that wind power is one of the most reliable forms of alternative energy. Wind is constant and occurs in most places. By creating more efficient turbines, more power will be able to be produced. Also, if the noise gets cut down, people may not mind having a wind turbine or two on their property. People won't mind living near them either. But I do still have some questions:

    1) How much more will these efficient turbines cost?

    2) How long will it be before they are actually used?

    3) Are taxpayers going to have to pay for these?
