Saturday, September 25, 2010

Hybrid Panthers Helping Rare Cat Rebound in Florida

The Florida panthers used to be hunted during the 1900's and the few remaining ones were driven to South Florida swamps. At first the panthers were bread them with each other but that lead to health problems. One of the health problems was hearts problems.They then were bread with the Texas cougars, which is what some panthers did in the 19th century. The cougars help the population of the panthers increase. This genetic change has help the panthers for example they now live longer and are better at surviving. O'Brien, chief of the Laboratory of Genomic Diversity said, "we don't feel like we fiddled so much with nature." The panthers are not completely out of danger but they have made progress in bring the population up. Their next challenge is to "conserve existing habitat for these animals, as well as allow them to expand into some areas of their former range." These new panthers have been researched and monitored for more then twenty years and will most likely be monitored until there is more then a hundred. Overall combining the old and new genes together has helped the panthers.

 I think that they have done the right thing in helping the panthers. There seems to be a lot of work that needs to be done and it seems that it will take a lot of time to increase the population. I also think that we should have done more to protect these animals before they became endangered. We should have made it illegal to hunt them back then and now. It's a good thing that they monitor the animals so they can know how they're doing or else we would not know how they are doing. I'm glad they can not only increase the population but also make them better adapted for survival. A prediction I would make about the challenge is that if we exceed then they would be able to survive on their on without us having to interfere with them.  Also I would predict that it will take a lot of time and might not be easy.  In my opinion we should have taken more steps to prevent the panthers form becoming endangered.

 1.) Do you think they should have put all this time into these animals or do you think that we should have kept the few remaining ones in captivity? Why or why not?

2.) Do you think that the hybrid panthers should be sent into their old habitat now or a few more years?

3.) Do you think it was right for the panthers to be crossbreed with another species?

4.)If you made a prediction about their next challenge what would it be?

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

GM Salmon: FDA Hears Arguments To Decide Approval Of 'Frankenfish'

The FDA is going to begin hearing arguments about whether or not to approve genetically modified salmon, being referred to as "frankenfish." Genetic engineering has been used with farm crops for years, but this is the first time the government may approve an animal. These salmon grow to be twice the size of farm grown salmon in half the time. Many people, however, are very worried about the health of consumers and the salmon's effect on the environment. People could be allergic to the fish, and the fish could make its way into the wild and reproduce with wild salmon. The company that is producing the fish, AquaBounty, is keeping their studies secret, which is only adding fuel to the fire.

I personally believe that this fish should not be approved. It does not seem safe, and I don't care for the idea of eating salmon that was bred in a factory. If this becomes approved, only more genetically modified animals will be approved. This could have a disastrous effect on the health of Americans.

  1. Would you eat the genetically modified salmon? Why or why not?
  2. What is your biggest concern about the salmon?
  3. Would you eat any other genetically modified animals?

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Study: To Save Tigers, Protect Key Breeding Areas

Summary: Tigers are an endangered species, and their population has severely decreased through the years. In an effort to help the tigers, conservationists say that they need to protect the breeding areas of tigers, rather than trying to protect areas around the tigers. If the tigers population is going to grow, they need to breed, so that is why it is especially important that the breeding areas are safe and protected. Less than one third of the remaining tigers are female breeding tigers. Tigers are endangered due to hunting, trade, and habitat destruction, but the main threat is poachers, people who sell and purchase tiger fur, and in some cases, believe that tiger parts can be a form of medicine and increase the health of humans. As a result of the poachers, the number of tigers has dropped from 5,000 in 1998 to 3,200. In order to save the tigers, we need to protect the females in general and ensure that they breed. The plan requires a strong law enforcement as well as surveillant and would cost about $82 million per year.

Opinion: I think that is is extremely important that we take a step to protect the tigers. I also think that it is a good idea to protect the breeding areas, because if the tiger population is to increase, they need to breed. We should spend the $82 million, and then once the population increases, we will not have to spend as much money. But as of right now, this is a very severe issue and I think we need to do something about it.

1. Do you think it is a good idea to spend so much money just to protect tigers?
2. Do you think we will be able to increase the population of the tigers? How?
3. What are your feelings about the fact that the tiger population is so low?
4. Do you think we will be able to override the poachers and keep the tigers safe?

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Turtles in Danger

According to Conservation International, over 280 of freshwater turtle species are endangered and being threatened for extinction. Turtle eggs are being used for food and turtles are very popular in pet trade which is a main cause for this. In China they are used for medicinal reasons and are on the market for a high price. These turtles live for about 50 years, and if they are killed before they reach 15, which is when they can have more turtles, then no more turtles will exist. Another problem is that their habitats are being ruined because of drilling for hydroelectricity and mining. Slowly, human activity is decreasing the amount of freshwater turtles.
I think that it's sad that freshwater turtles are close to becoming extinct, especially since it is being caused mainly by humans. If they put an age limit on how old the turtle is before it can be used, I think this problem will definitely be closer to being solved. For example, before they could be taken for pet use they would need to be 20 or older, so they can keep the turtle population going. I personally like pet turtles, and it would be sad if it reached a point where the wouldn't be allowed.
1) What are your ideas on ways this problem can be solved?
2) Should using turtles as pets be banned?
3) Do you think people will care about this issue and try to help it, or will they brush it aside and concentrate on more "important" ones like they tend to be doing for other endangered animals?

Turtles in Trouble
No Particular Author
September 15th, 2010
Environmental News Network

Monday, September 13, 2010

Funneling Solar Energy

Funneling Solar Energy: Antenna made of carbon nanotubes could make photovoltai

 This article is about a new way of using solar energy.  The new way is descoverd by Professer Strano.  This way of using solar energy " the number of photons that can be captured and transforms the light into energy that can be funneld into a solar cell."  With the new antenna you would not have to have a full roof set of antenna's like you would have to have for a solar panel roof.  Two other ways that it can be used as is for telescopes and night vision gogles. The one flaw that the antenna has is that it losses 13% of the energy that it absorbs. Professer Strano and his team are trying to lower that number to 1%.

 I think that this new idea could help us use our resorces and help save the enviornment.  When this idea becames more populer and is proven to help the eviornment more people will chose solar power vurs cool and oil.  I think that if we keep thinking and inventing new ways to use the suns energy I think we would use less amounts of oil.

1. What do you think about the new way of using solar energy?
2. Do you think people would switch ways to get energy?
3. Would you use the antenna? Why or Why nor?