Tuesday, September 21, 2010

GM Salmon: FDA Hears Arguments To Decide Approval Of 'Frankenfish'

The FDA is going to begin hearing arguments about whether or not to approve genetically modified salmon, being referred to as "frankenfish." Genetic engineering has been used with farm crops for years, but this is the first time the government may approve an animal. These salmon grow to be twice the size of farm grown salmon in half the time. Many people, however, are very worried about the health of consumers and the salmon's effect on the environment. People could be allergic to the fish, and the fish could make its way into the wild and reproduce with wild salmon. The company that is producing the fish, AquaBounty, is keeping their studies secret, which is only adding fuel to the fire.

I personally believe that this fish should not be approved. It does not seem safe, and I don't care for the idea of eating salmon that was bred in a factory. If this becomes approved, only more genetically modified animals will be approved. This could have a disastrous effect on the health of Americans.

  1. Would you eat the genetically modified salmon? Why or why not?
  2. What is your biggest concern about the salmon?
  3. Would you eat any other genetically modified animals?


  1. I wouldn't eat the genetically modified salmon because I don't eat animals in the first place, especially if it could be harmful to my health. Also, I wouldn't know if I were allergic or not, and if I tried it it's possible that I could have a severe allergic reaction. My biggest concern about the salmon is that people don't know enough about them. Before people start eating them, they should do multiple tests to make sure they are okay to our health. If something bad happens to someone relating to the salmon, a lot of chaos could get started. They might even have to kill the whole new species. I wouldn't eat any other genetically modified animals because it is wrong to mess with their jeans just to create a tastier meal. People also don't know what would happen when they combine two different species. It could be dangerous.

  2. I would not eat a genetically modified salmon because it was not naturally produced, it was made in a factory, so therefore it could be unhealthy and potentially dangerous. I would not everything about that salmon, and it could have some negative effects on my body if I ate it. My biggest concern about these genetically modified salmon is the health risks and the potential harm they might do to the health of humans. They could have something in them that may make people sick and unhealthy, so I would be worried about that. I would not eat genetically modified salmon, let alone any genitacally modified animal. Once again, this is because I do not know whats in them and if they are healthy to eat. Maybe, if they ran numerous tests and it started becoming common to make and eat genetically modified animals, then I would start eating them, but only after I knew many other people ate them and did not get sick.

  3. I would not eat the enetically modified salmon because it is not natual. Also because the chemicals that make the animals grow bigger can affect my growth rate. My biggest concern is that we are putting our health at risk. Another concern is that we are not treating the salmon properly by making them bigger then they are suposed to be. A third concern of mine is that they are keeping their studies as a secret. I don't like haveing to eat animals that are mutated or modified. There are many different problems that can happen by eating modified animals.
