Monday, September 13, 2010

Funneling Solar Energy

Funneling Solar Energy: Antenna made of carbon nanotubes could make photovoltai

 This article is about a new way of using solar energy.  The new way is descoverd by Professer Strano.  This way of using solar energy " the number of photons that can be captured and transforms the light into energy that can be funneld into a solar cell."  With the new antenna you would not have to have a full roof set of antenna's like you would have to have for a solar panel roof.  Two other ways that it can be used as is for telescopes and night vision gogles. The one flaw that the antenna has is that it losses 13% of the energy that it absorbs. Professer Strano and his team are trying to lower that number to 1%.

 I think that this new idea could help us use our resorces and help save the enviornment.  When this idea becames more populer and is proven to help the eviornment more people will chose solar power vurs cool and oil.  I think that if we keep thinking and inventing new ways to use the suns energy I think we would use less amounts of oil.

1. What do you think about the new way of using solar energy?
2. Do you think people would switch ways to get energy?
3. Would you use the antenna? Why or Why nor?


  1. I think that this new way of using solar energy is a very smart and great idea. I think that this might encourage people to switch to solar energy as it becomes more known and popular. Since it is just an antenna and does not cover the entire roof, more people will most likely feel comfortable using it. I would personally use the antenna because it is good for the environment and does not cover the entire roof. My neighbor just got solar panels that cover his entire roof, and I think it looks a little weird. So I personally like how it is just a simple antenna. Even though it only absorbs 13% or the sun's energy, that is enough for me, and I'm sure scientists will soon find a way for it to absorb almost all of the energy.

  2. People will definitely switch to this antenna. I for one wouldn't cover my entire roof with solar panels. This antenna is smaller and likely costs less than traditional solar panels. The fact that scientists are working to get the antenna to only lose 1% of the energy it absorbs shows that they truly believe that this could ultimately change the way we use energy.

  3. I think the new way of using solar energy is a great idea, but that people should make it more well know so people would get encouraged to use it. I definitely think that people would switch ways if this idea is put out there more, because it saves the environment and over time it saves money. I agree with Emily when she said that the antenna is more attractive then putting solar panels over the whole roof. I was a little confused about the percentages though...does 13% stand for the energy being lost, or is that all that is getting absorbed? I thought it was for the energy being lost, and in that case I definitely think that people would buy them. If 13% is all that is getting absorbed, I think that they would wait for scientists to improve the solar antenna before buying it. I would probably do this as well, because scientists are always coming up with newer and better inventions. In general, I think that the solar antenna will become more and more popular as it is being improved and more spoken out about.
